Monday, March 15, 2010

Sketchy Miss

'Always the Clown'

(rough sketch, 6b pencil & my fingers, dimension's: around 21cm x 9cm-ish)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Timing and waiting and making....

So... today is March...

I've been telling the world that we plan to open in March.... today is March!...
guess what.... we are definately not there yet.
still waiting on council, reno's, and other random things that stop us moving forward.

New time clock..... hope to be open end of March.... early April....

Have started daily schedule of studio time to build up some stock..
Rolling Mill arrived last Friday.... how did I live without them until now?....

Eirlysa is putting a painting into Southern Exposure... (Local art exhibition) its coming up really nice... good to get our work out there... no time to think about putting some jewellery in... im just not there yet.

Got some really nice ideas for some collaborative brooches... incorporating Eirlysa's art and my jewellery.... think its gonna be really cool...

Waiting on some stones to arrive from my Brother overseas... can't wait to see what I get to play with... am thinking I may need to buy a collet block and punch to add to my tool collection...

maybe soon.

